Saturday, May 16, 2009

And He got into the boat with them, and the wind stopped; and they were greatly astonished, for they had not gained any insight from the incident of the loaves, but their heart was hardened. Mark 6:52 NASB

How often do we fail to realize when God has blessed us, and how often do we fail to learn what he is teaching? The disciples had just seen Jesus feed five thousand with two fish and five loaves of bread, yet they were "astonished" when he quieted the wind after appoaching them from the water!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Adding on...

I read a story this week about a child that received a train set as a gift at Christmas. The child was very excited when he opened the box. He could not wait to put the oval track together and connect the cars. Soon the train started going around and around the track. Around and around. Around and around again. Eventually, the child got tired of the same old thing over and over, and started looking for more gifts.
People that really get into model trains and make it a lifelong hobby keep adding more track. The train has to do more than go around and around. They add a little toy depot, then more little buildings to create a town. Soon the garage is full of trains of different scales, and the hobbiest goes to model train conventions.
If we are disciples of Christ, we don't stop when we see what the first gift can do. We want to learn more about add more track. The only way to do this is to spend time seeking what He has for us. It is not boring, it is exciting as He opens up His life to us and we begin to discover His will for us.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Constant Companion

Jesus enjoyed unbroken communion with God, so if we are to be His disciples, we have to strive to do the same. It is not easy, however, He is alway present in our lives, so to "pray without ceasing", requires us to be aware of his presence constantly. We want to spend constant, daily, hourly, moment by moment time with Him, to see the world through His eyes. Setting aside time for Him in the morning or evening is important, but a true relationship goes far beyond that.

Friday, May 1, 2009

First Disciples

A.B. Bruce in "The Training of the Twelve" wrote of the first disciples regarding where they were just after they were called by Jesus:

The faith of these brethren was, therefore, just as we should expect in beginners. In substance it amounted to this, that they recognized in Jesus the Divine Prophet, King, Son of Old Testament prophecy; and its value lay not in its maturity, or accuracy, but in this, that however imperfect, it brought them into contact and close fellowhip with Him, in whose company they were to see greater things than when they first believed, one truth after another assuming its place in the firmament of their minds, like the stars appearing in the evening sky as daylight fades away.

I would have to say that is about where I am in my discipleship journey...I know who Jesus is and I know what He did for me in accomplishing victory over sin and my salvation, but I am learning what it means to be in close contact with Him. I'm looking forward to learning "one truth after another".